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Don’t Let a Death or Disablement Destroy Your Business
Your business could be in serious trouble if a shareholder suddenly dies, or if a key player in the business is disabled or dies. How can you manage these risks? 

A good start is to take out the correct insurance cover upfront. Appropriate policies can both reduce the risks to the business and provide financial assistance to an affected shareholder’s families. 

We’ll discuss what “buy/sell insurance” is and what its benefits are, then we’ll have a look at “key person insurance”, with a final note on the need to take expert advice regarding the potential tax, death duty and legal exposure.

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August 2019 NEWSLETTER
Don’t Let a Death or Disablement Destroy Your Business
Your business could be in serious trouble if a shareholder suddenly dies, or if a key player in the business is disabled or dies. How can you manage these risks? 

A good start is to take out the correct insurance cover upfront. Appropriate policies can both reduce the risks to the business and provide financial assistance to an affected shareholder’s families. 

We’ll discuss what “buy/sell insurance” is and what its benefits are, then we’ll have a look at “key person insurance”, with a final note on the need to take expert advice regarding the potential tax, death duty and legal exposure.
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If Artificial Intelligence Is Not That Intelligent, Should We Be Worried About Our Jobs?
ArticleImage “The Rise of the Robots”, “How Artificial Intelligence will put you out of a job”, “AI and the industries it will disrupt” – headlines like these are multiplying, and the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” is well and truly upon us.

Whilst there will always be a host of uncertainties around where AI is ultimately going to lead us, we should all make sure now that we understand what it is all about - and how it is likely to impact on us both professionally and personally in the near future.

Let’s start off by asking two questions: “Will AI get ‘intelligent’?” and “So, what happens to our jobs?”. 

We’ll address them by analysing the lessons of the First, Second and Third Industrial Revolutions…
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The Big Mac Index Says the Rand is Way Undervalued
ArticleImage Over 80 countries worldwide produce McDonald’s Big Mac hamburgers to similar recipes, and that, say some researchers, makes them a perfect universal commodity with which to compare the PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) of different currencies.

Hence The Economist’s annual “Big Mac Index”. And whilst many economists question the real value of “Burgernomics”, and whilst it indeed began as nothing more than a lighthearted attempt at establishing currency values, it has over the decades gained a degree of traction and credibility.

So let’s have a look at what the Index is saying about our Rand. By how much is it really undervalued? And what does that say about our economy?
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SARS: Changes to the Employer Statement of Account
ArticleImage This form is designed so that employers can easily reconcile their payroll taxes (PAYE, UIF and SDL). These taxes have proved difficult to reconcile and this redesigned form is intended to simplify this process. It is important to get this right to avoid paying penalties and interest.

A significant step taken by SARS is that employers can now actively manage their payroll taxes. Businesses can now make adjustments to their account and can correct misallocated payments.  Omissions and other account mistakes can be corrected (there are misallocations going back a few years) and SARS accept they will have to assist in resolving some of the queries. A case management system …
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Your Tax Deadlines for August 2019
ArticleImage Individual provisional taxpayers need to submit their first provisional form and payment by or on 30 August. 

Companies with year ends in either February or August need to file their first or second provisional returns and payments also by or on 30 August.

Other deadlines this month are …
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