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Customer Service Is King


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May and Company

Customer Service Is King
“The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary” (Sam Walton, founder of Walmart)

In an increasingly competitive environment, keeping your customer base is a given for business survival. We also live in a world of increasing self-absorption – witness the “selfie” phenomenon – so giving good customer service becomes crucial.
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Employers: Do You Face A Double Penalty If You Contravene Two Acts? 
“Will you still need me…..when I’m sixty four?” (Beatles)

A recent Labour Appeal Court case highlighted the need, when planning to terminate an employee’s services, to ensure that the correct legal procedure is followed.  More interestingly, it answered the question of whether, if the termination transgresses two Acts, the employer is separately liable for each transgression.
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Could We Be Headed For A Tax Revolt 
“The greater the level of corruption, the less we will have tax integrity and the greater the possibility of a tax revolt" (Judge Davis, Chairperson of the Davis Tax Committee)

There is no doubt the mood in the country has soured in recent times. Whilst we have become used to numerous service delivery protests, the rise of middle class protests such as those around the Gauteng e–tolls and more recently the student #FeesMustFall, has been seen as a milestone in post-1994 South Africa. This is because the government is seemingly under the impression that it will not lose many votes with service delivery protests as the bulk of the protesters receive grants. With e-tolls and #FeesMustFall however, the protesters have resources, are well organised and are independent of the ruling party.
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Your Tax Deadlines For December 
There are only run-of-the-mill deadlines for December.
Enjoy the Break! 

Enjoy the Break!


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