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Looking at property this Festive Season?
If cowboy Will Rogers’ practical advice “Don’t wait to buy land, buy land and wait” has you looking for a property to buy this Festive Season, don’t miss out on an invaluable source of relevant information – the title deed.

What you find in the title deed of your prospective purchase could make or break your decision to buy it, and it will certainly impact on how much you want to offer. 

We’ll tell you what a title deed is, why it’s important to check it before you make an offer, and what you should look for once you have it.

Taylor and Finlay Attorneys's Monthly Newsletter
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December 2018 NEWSLETTER
Buying Property this Festive Season? Check the Title Deed First!
If cowboy Will Rogers’ practical advice “Don’t wait to buy land, buy land and wait” has you looking for a property to buy this Festive Season, don’t miss out on an invaluable source of relevant information – the title deed.

What you find in the title deed of your prospective purchase could make or break your decision to buy it, and it will certainly impact on how much you want to offer. 

We’ll tell you what a title deed is, why it’s important to check it before you make an offer, and what you should look for once you have it.
read more Conveyancing Family Law Business Law Civil Litigation Financial and Estate Planning

Lending to a Friend or Selling Property on Credit - Must You Register as a Credit Provider?
ArticleImage It seems ridiculous if you are just making a once-off loan to a friend or relative that you might have to register as a credit provider in terms of the National Credit Act, but that’s the import of a new Supreme Court of Appeal decision. 

We discuss what happens if you don’t register despite being required to (it’s not a pretty picture), the grey areas surrounding the question of when you have to register and when you don’t, and the particular risks faced by property sellers. 

Registration is by all accounts a time-consuming process with lots of red tape, so forward planning is essential here. 
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Reporting Crime and the Defamation Danger: Lessons from the Workplace
ArticleImage We all have a duty to report crime to the police, and particularly when it happens in the workplace not doing so is likely to end badly for you.

But what if your report turns out to be wrong? Or just unprovable? Have you just laid yourself open to the risk of a substantial damages claim for defamation?

We answer these questions with reference to a recent case in which an employee was arrested on suspicion of fraudulently ordering R138k worth of iPads. Released without charge, he sued his employers for R1.6m and the Court listed the 3 things an accuser must prove to succeed in a defence that the crime report was reasonable.
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Firearm Owners: What to Do if Your Licence Has Expired
ArticleImage Of course the police deserve all our support in their efforts to rid South Africa of the scourge of illegal firearms – there’s an estimated 2.3m of them out there!

What happens though if, as a legal gun owner, you have for some reason allowed your firearms licence to expire? You may well have come under pressure from the police to surrender your firearm for destruction, on pain of arrest and prosecution for a very serious offence.

That’s an alarming quandary to be placed in and almost half a million other expired licence holders join you in the same boat. So it’s important that you are aware of the terms of the High Court interdict recently granted against SAPS. Read on for the details…
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Websites of the Month: The Existential Dread of Gift Giving, and Science to the Rescue!
ArticleImage Are you, like most of us, “soaked in the existential dread that comes from trying to find gifts our loved ones might appreciate” at this time of year? 

If so, don’t despair. Scientists around the world have been researching what it is that makes for the perfect gift, and how to find it.

We share three websites to help you improve your gift giving, choose the best relationship-building gift, and “make your gift count extra” with a simple win/win tip that will leave you as happy as the recipient of your thoughtfulness. 
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Thank you for your support in 2018.
Have a Wonderful Festive Season, and a Happy and Prosperous 2019!

Enjoy the Break!



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