Youth Day, celebrated on 16 June each year, is an ideal opportunity for businesses to look at ways of bringing fresh young talent into their teams to unlock a myriad of business benefits. 

One way of doing so is by utilising the Employment Tax Incentive or ETI for short, an incentive provided by SARS to encourage employers to hire young work seekers. Our team can help you take advantage of this incentive and to unlock the benefits of having young workers in your business.


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Use This SARS Incentive to Bring Young People into Your Business

Youth Day, celebrated on 16 June each year, is an ideal opportunity for businesses to look at ways of bringing fresh young talent into their teams to unlock a myriad of business benefits. 

One way of doing so is by utilising the Employment Tax Incentive or ETI for short, an incentive provided by SARS to encourage employers to hire young work seekers. Our team can help you take advantage of this incentive and to unlock the benefits of having young workers in your business.

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How to Implement Effective Leadership Development in your Business

With businesses increasingly becoming more diverse, more remote and more fractured, leaders need new and different skills to manage these diverse teams. Leadership training has also been shown to be crucial in retaining employees and keeping staff turnover low.

Despite this, leaders themselves largely admit they are not qualified to lead hybrid teams and most companies acknowledge their leadership development is woefully lacking. Here’s how you can implement effective leadership development at your business.

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Quick Tips for Preventing Time Fraud

Fraud: it’s a word that strikes fear into every business owner’s heart and something any good leader takes steps to avoid. By hiring an accountant, you have already gone a long way toward ensuring no one will be able to slip finances out of your company illegally, but did you know there is another, more insidious kind of fraud that’s just as dangerous? Time fraud.

Time fraud is exactly as it sounds, the theft of company time, and, unchecked, it can close your business, destroy client relations and ruin company morale. Here are our five tips for ensuring it never happens.

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Employers: Your COIDA Return of Earnings Deadline is 30 June 2024

All employers - whether individuals or businesses – must be registered for COIDA, which aims to provide all employees with access to compensation if they contract an illness, suffer a disability or die while at work.  

To maintain COIDA good standing, every employer is also required to submit a Return of Earnings annually. The deadlines are currently tight, with the next one at the end of June, but we can still assist you to maintain good standing while avoiding possible penalties, fines, site visits and audits for late or incorrect submissions. 

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Your Tax Deadlines for June 2024
  • 07 June - Monthly Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) submissions and payments

  • 25 June - Value-Added Tax (VAT) manual submissions and payments 

  • 27 June - Excise Duty payments

  • 28 June – Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Provisional Tax payments

  • 28 June – End of the 1st fiscal quarter

  • 28 June – Value-Added Tax (VAT) electronic submissions and payments.

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