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FinCommmunications Newsletter     |    August 2024
Three Pot System 101: What You Need to Know Before 1 September

We're ready to help you navigate the “three-pot system,” (often referred to as a two-pot system) which will be implemented on 1 September this year.

This change in the law is meant to help you harmonise your long-term savings with short-term financial agility, enabling you to navigate immediate financial challenges while fortifying your future security. 

But how will it work in practice?

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Do You Recognise Yourself in Any of These Client Case Studies?

As financial advisors we work with lots of different people. Although no two situations are identical, we do see the same themes coming up again and again.

For this article we asked some of our colleagues in the South African financial planning industry to share a memorable client story. 

Do you see a little bit of yourself (or someone you know) in any of the case studies? 

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Unsung Heroes of Insurance: Four Types That Could Save You Money

Insurance is never the most exciting thing to talk about. But given the growing financial risks in today’s world, it’s worth considering whether you have all the insurance you might need.

While anyone with a good financial plan should have considered the major risks that are covered by traditional insurance products or medical aid, there are potentially other risks you haven’t thought about that you could insure yourself against.

In this article, we look at four lesser-known types of insurance, and why they might save you a lot of money.

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Market Update: Magnificent Seven Lose Their Magnificence in July

The Magnificent Seven mega-tech stocks responsible for much of the equity optimism around the globe this year sold off significantly in July – bringing the rest of the US stock market down and sending other markets into the red for the month. 

Investors are wondering whether it’s a temporary blip or a more profound development. As always, it’s an important reminder that diversification is the surest foundation of long-term wealth creation. 

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