In just a few days, on 18 July, the world will commemorate Nelson Mandela Day, dedicated to honour our Tata, Madiba, known for his great leadership skills and his ability to inspire people around the world to greater heights. 

Mandela also left us with some really effective lessons that can inspire and encourage business owners and entrepreneurs in these uncertain times. In this article, we highlight 7 important business lessons inspired by Madiba’s wisdom. 


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7 Effective Business Lessons Inspired by Madiba

In just a few days, on 18 July, the world will commemorate Nelson Mandela Day, dedicated to honour our Tata, Madiba, known for his great leadership skills and his ability to inspire people around the world to greater heights. 

Mandela also left us with some really effective lessons that can inspire and encourage business owners and entrepreneurs in these uncertain times. In this article, we highlight 7 important business lessons inspired by Madiba’s wisdom. 

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How to Breeze Through a SARS Audit

Nobody wants to go through a SARS audit, as collating all the documents requires time, money and effort. What’s more, it may result in the levying of understatement penalties of up to 200% with the harsher 200% penalty applying in instances where the taxpayer is either obstructive or is a repeat offender. 

You can expect more frequent and tougher audits as SARS continues to step up its enforcement and collection efforts. But it’s not all doom and gloom. Allowing our experienced team to manage your SARS audits will save you time and money, and ensure compliance – allowing you to breeze through the audit process.

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5 Top Employee Retention Strategies

Remote work, freelancing, and the gig economy have changed the face of business completely. The ease with which employees can sell their time, change jobs, or work for global brands means the competition for top talent has never been more aggressive. 

Employees with the skills and/or experience to impact your bottom line are more in demand than ever before. Whether you run a mom-and-pop coffee shop or a global conglomerate, these five tips will help you hang on to the people who build your business.

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Is Venture Capital Right for Your Business?

Few methods of finance in business cause as much confusion as “venture capital”. To most, it’s just money tech businesses get in return for a game changing idea. But the truth is it may be just the tool to help your business, regardless of what you do, how long you’ve been around or how many people you employ.

If you’ve ever watched Dragon’s Den, you’ve seen venture capital in action. Here’s our look at what venture capital is, and the surprising ways it could take you to the next level.

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Your Tax Deadlines for July 2024
  • 05 July - Monthly Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) submissions and payments

  • 25 July - Value-Added Tax (VAT) manual submissions and payments 

  • 30 July - Excise Duty payments

  • 31 July - Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Provisional Tax payments

  • 31 July - Value-Added Tax (VAT) electronic submissions and payments.

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