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You Will Retire, So Get Ready Now!
Benjamin Franklin once said the only certainties in life are death and taxes. To that you can add retirement (assuming the Grim Reaper doesn’t interfere earlier). Yet research shows that no more than 10% of us can retire comfortably.

We share with you 7 practical steps on how you should start preparing right now for an enjoyable and stress-free retirement.
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Are You Battling to Get a Tax Refund? Tax Ombud To Investigate SARS Systems  
Over half of complaints received by the Tax Ombud relate to the long time taken to pay Income Tax and VAT refunds to taxpayers. 

Is there light on the horizon for taxpayers?  The Minister of Finance has given the Ombud permission to proceed with an investigation into whether the slowness of refund is a systemic issue, and we have a look at how SARS has replied.
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How Flattery and Peer Pressure Can Really Help Your Business 
Improve your sales, profits and employee relations with these science-based methods of persuading people to say “Yes”.

Read on for some practical tips on how you can use both flattery and “social proof” (peer pressure) to boost your business . . .
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It’s COIDA Time Again! 
Employers:  Your deadline for submission of COIDA returns is 31 May 2017.  Don’t drop the ball here - you risk penalties.

We look at who is covered and why you should involve your staff in workplace safety and health issues.
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Blockchain Technology is Coming - Could Your Business Use It? 
“Blockchain” is one of today’s buzzwords.

What is it?  What makes this exciting technology so powerful?  Read on for a video link, and some thoughts on why you should start thinking now about creative ways to use it in your business.
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Your Tax Deadlines for April 
There are only the usual deadlines for April but employee tax season has opened and your EMP501 is due by the end of May.  

Don’t delay, this is quite a process and you should give yourself time to sort any issues out, and if necessary to ask your accountant for help, well before the deadline. 



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