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Schoeman Coetzee Newsletter     |    July 2018
Your 2018 Tax Season Deadline: Brought Forward By Three Weeks?
Tax Season 2018 for individuals has just opened, and as always you should start getting everything together now because late lodgement of returns will expose you to totally unnecessary penalties and interest. 

We discuss whether you need to submit an income tax return in the first place, and if so whether you are affected by the new 31 October deadline. We’ll also take a look at why SARS has brought the deadline forward by three weeks and at the benefits to both taxpayers and SARS.

Our “Your Tax Season 2018 Deadlines” table conveniently shows you your exact deadline date. 
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Will Cash Disappear From Society?
Is a cashless society on the horizon for South Africa? If so, the practical implications for us all will be enormous. And as always we should prepare ourselves for it on the “forewarned is forearmed” principle.

We’ll discuss how some countries are already pioneering the way towards a society without cash, the pros and cons of the concept, and the arguments for and against the proposition that cash, like the cheque before it, might already be firmly on the slippery slope to extinction.  We’ll end off investigating the various reasons why despite everything, cash remains – at least for the moment - ubiquitous. 
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Have You Been Hacked? Check Now!
Every day, it seems, we learn of yet another hack exposing our passwords and other private information to cyber criminals. 

Sometimes the hacks are international, sometimes local. But every time it happens, vast amounts of sensitive data end up in the wrong hands and we all of us need to take responsibility for reacting immediately and effectively to protect ourselves.

The first step of course is to find out “Has my information been compromised, and if so what?” We’ll show you how to check that online - quickly, easily and at absolutely no cost. The important thing is to do it NOW! 
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Small and Medium-Sized Businesses: How to Stay Healthy and Profitable
Are you an entrepreneur, business owner, corporate executive or government decision maker? If so, this article’s for you.

SMEs as we all know are key drivers of job creation in South Africa, and with unemployment high on our list of problems we need to give entrepreneurs every bit of support we can. We share some thoughts on how government and big business can do that.

On the other side of the coin, in “3 steps to staying in business” we’ll look at how SMEs can themselves ensure their own long term success. 
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Your Tax Deadlines for July, and Keep Your Car Allowance Logbook Up To Date!
There are no major deadlines this month. 

Just a reminder for those on a car allowance to keep comprehensive logbooks as per SARS requirements of all your business trips. Without proof of your business travel, SARS will deny your travel claim.

There are stories that SARS will be tightening up on logbooks and may require more detailed business trip information, so ask your accountant to inform you if there are changes. 

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