“SPLUMA” is 'n akroniem vir die Engelse benaming van die “Wet op Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruik 16 van 2013” (die Wet), oftewel, die “Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act”. SPLUMA het reeds op 1 Julie 2015 in werking getree en behoort die rol van die plaaslike regering in munisipale beplanning, soos bedoel in die Grondwet, beter te verskans. Dit gee uitvoering aan 'n aantal uitsprake van die Konstitusionele Hof wat handel oor die rol van munisipaliteite en ander regeringsfere in munisipale beplanningsprosesse.
Ingevolge artikel 53 van die wet mag geen registrasie van enige eiendom voortspruitend uit 'n grondontwikkelingsaansoek gedoen word nie, tensy die munisipaliteit gesertifiseer het dat daar aan al die vereistes en voorwaardes vir die goedkeuring voldoen is.
The Act requires Municipalities to adopt Municipal Planning By-laws to give effect to the provisions of SPLUMA and for processing land use applications; to establish Municipal Planning Tribunals and Appeal Authorities to deal with appeals against land use decisions and to establish systems and processes to receive and process land use applications, because municipalities are authorities of first instance in the processing of land development applications.
Each Municipality is to adopt a land use scheme for its entire area within a period of 5 years of the Act coming into operation. The expiry date for SPLUMA compliance is July 2020. While many Municipalities have adopted By-laws to ensure SPLUMA compliance, there is a concern that some Municipalities mat not be SPLUMA-compliant by the cut off date. How non-compliance will affect property transfers falling within their jurisdiction in the future is unclear at this stage.
SPLUMA - Verkopers en ontwikkelaars
SPLUMA beheer alle aansoeke vir die hersonering van grond, dorpstigting, onderverdeling van grond, konsolidasie van grond, die opheffing, wysiging of opskorting van beperkende voorwaardes. Aangesien munisipale verordeninge nou die prosesse en prosedures vir hierdie aansoeke bepaal, is dit belangrik om daarop te let dat hierdie munisipale verordeninge nie dieselfde is vir alle munisipaliteite nie, selfs nie in dieselfde provinsie nie.
Daar word gesê dat die aktekantoor van Mpumalanga reeds 'n SPLUMA-sertifikaat (nakoming) vereis vir alle oordragte van eiendom wat deur die transportbesorger wat die oordrag hanteer, tesame met die oordragdokumente, by die Aktekantoor ingedien moet word.
Failure by a Seller to timeously obtain such a Certificate (when required) may become problematic as it might delay transfer and this delay might even cause a Purchaser to cancel a transaction.
The process can be described as follows:
An application must be made to the relevant Municipality for the issue of the Certificate accompanied by an Affidavit signed by the Seller stating that the relevant plans pertaining to the property are in order, accurate and have been filed with the local Municipality. Furthermore all rates and taxes and any other funds or penalties relating to the property must have been paid, building and swimming pool plans need to be submitted and approved, the use of the property must be in accordance with the municipal zoning; andthere should be no encroachments over the building lines and property boundaries.
Affected Sellers should therefore ensure that these things are in order in advance to avoid any unnecessary delays in the property transfer process. Usually the Conveyancer appointed to attend to the transfer will file such an application with the respective Municipality on the Seller’s behalf.
Properties situated within the City Of Cape Town
The City Of Cape Town has a Land Use Scheme called the Developmental Management Scheme which is incorporated as schedule 3 into the City of Cape Town’s Municipal Planning By-Law 2015 (MPBL). The processes and procedures for the development management scheme are incorporated into the MPBL which is said to be SPLUMA compliant.
Gelukkig vereis die Stad Kaapstad (en die Aktekantoor) (nog) nie 'n SPLUMA-sertifikaat vir oordragte van eiendom nie. Dit vereis tans slegs 'n Artikel 137-goedkeuring (oordragsertifikaat) vir die onderverdeling van eiendom. Waar ‘n gebou of terrein in die toepaslike sone geleë is, is die aansoek vir grondgebruik redelik eenvoudig, maar as dit nie die geval is nie, sal u moontlik verdere aansoeke en selfs appèlle moet indien.
Take note however - the clock is ticking: The SPLUMA - act was gazetted in October 2015, and decreed that “All municipalities had to establish a SPLUMA compliant land use scheme plan within 5 years of the gazette date”.
SPLUMA therefor comes into play after July 2020 and WILL affect you when you decide to sell your property in future, especially if you don’t have approved and accurate building plans. In short, the National Deeds Office may require a SPLUMA certificate from the local municipality in which a property is located before any property transfer can be concluded.
Meer hieroor en die presiese vereistes waaraan jy as huiseienaar sal moet voldoen om jou SPLUMA-sertifikaat te bekom, in verdere uitgawes van ons nuusbrief.
Maak intussen baie seker dat jou eiendom vir die huidige, voldoen aan Munisipale wetgewing, veral gedagtig aan jou toekomstige handelinge daarmee.
Groete / Greetings!
Hennie, Eberhard & Cheryl-Anne
Direkteure | Directors