If the dog-next-door’s incessant barking or its owner’s all-night parties are destroying your quality of life, read on. 

A recent High Court case involving a rustic township, wild animals and a chihuahua illustrates our law’s approach to protecting you from noisy neighbours generally………


Taylor and Finlay Attorneys's Monthly Newsletter
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February 2017 NEWSLETTER
Barking Dogs Driving You Batty? Noisy Neighbours and the Interdict Option

If the dog-next-door’s incessant barking or its owner’s all-night parties are destroying your quality of life, read on. 

A recent High Court case involving a rustic township, wild animals and a chihuahua illustrates our law’s approach to protecting you from noisy neighbours generally………

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www.taylorfinlay.co.za Conveyancing Family Law Business Law Civil Litigation Financial and Estate Planning

Creditors: When Can You Use a Liquidation Application to Collect Debt?

When you are struggling to recover your money from a recalcitrant debtor company, applying for its liquidation can be a very powerful collection tool.

But be warned – this only works with undisputed debt.  A recent SCA (Supreme Court of Appeal) case involving a R9.2m claim illustrates …..

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Buying and Selling Property: Who Pays the Taxman?

Whether you are the buyer or the seller of property, one of you is going to be paying SARS for the privilege, and you risk a very unpleasant and unbudgeted surprise if you don’t clarify before you enter into the sale exactly who is liable for what…..

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Submit Your 2017 Budget Tips!
Minister of Finance Pravin Gordhan makes his Budget Speech on 22 February and would like to hear your thoughts and ideas for the 2017 National Budget.  

Go to "Budget Tips" to submit your suggestions, and to the National Treasury website for more.
Your February Website: Small Business Ideas For 2017

The most successful small businesses are always going to be those that best adapt to change by seizing the new opportunities that it always brings.   

So what’s in store for us in 2017? 
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